About Me

hi!!!!!!! my name is CatBoxXD and this is my website!!!!! this place is really just some place to have a place to have everything i have and put it in one place, hopefully for other people to see it and maybe possibly like it as well! i hope you enjoy being here for what short time youll probably be here :)

A Few Things Interesting Things

  • nonbinary
  • i found out that i was not entirely straight at around 2021, although beforehand i had increasing confusion as to my identity and still do. though i am somewhat happy as to who i am than before so thats nice

  • 19 years old
  • i was born in March 18th, 2005. during the second term of President George "Shrubya" Bush

  • TCT modder
  • i have made 4 mods by myself and have helped my friends and others as well. i still continue to find myself to try and do some more, but sometimes it can be difficult

  • George W. Bush's strongest soldier (5'4 and weak)
  • im short, but im cool with it. its not been so bad, though that might just be because i havent had any troubles because of it. also i am a George W. Bush supporter, mostly ironically but i still like him

  • Pat Robertson supporter
  • Televangelist Pat Robertson is someone i am very interested in, and have looked at various newspapers, clips, books, and videos as i can to try and understand him better

  • super silly lover of cats
  • i love cats!!!!!!!! they are my favorite pets, also im a silly catgirl(boy)

  • love music (pop and rock music more specifically, but other genres are cool)
  • music is something i really like, and i like it so so so much. though my favorite time period of music can be like the 80s-90s, though current music and whatnot can be good to me

    i hope this has been some of this was cool, but if not then whatever :P