Modding Place Zone

this page is for everything regarding my modding in the web browser game The Campaign Trail. in total, i have made around 4 mods that are available to play on both New Campaign Trail and Campaign Trail Showcase

ive also dabbled into helping others trying to make mods, though it depends on who im helping. working with my friends on mods is cool tho :p



2016Jeb! was my first ever attempt at getting into modding, and it can somewhat show itself when playing it. though i have my problems with it, mainly in terms of the gameplay and written aspect of it, its still a servicable mod

the mod asks itself what if Jeb Bush became the Republican opponent against Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidential election. i think the idea itself is really cool as it pits the establishment candidates against one another with the populists that were rooting for Sanders and Trump respectively airing out their discontent with the selection. especially as ive gotten to know who Jeb Bush is as a person, i think further looking into the scenario and touching it up would be something i would be willing to look into in the future


1996BR was my second mod i released, and it shows progress in terms of my understanding of how TCT works some more. though i would say further on is when i would say i had a clear idea as to how a few things worked in TCT, and im still learning new and cool things

this mod was an attempt by me to think of a little series like Viva Kennedy and the Dukakisverse when i was making it, and my idea was a simple one: what if George Bush won re-election in 1992? so due to this i decided to have Steve Forbes go up against Bill Bradley, which i personally think is fun. i think in terms of writing and coding wise its a significant step up, though it still shows its faults. not to mention its a bit crazy regarding its lore and stuff, though i think thats funny


1978TX-19 is a short little congressional mod that i thought up and wrote in about 1 day, i think it somewhat shows in the mod. i think what i really like about it is in terms of making the map, as during this time i was making lots of maps that can be used in TCT mods as well as other cool people as well

this mod has George W. Bush go up against his Democratic opponent in his first ever attempt at public office. reading more into it fascinated me and in the end i really enjoyed it, even if its shorter than the average TCT mod


2000Jeb! is a mod that im really happy with the end result of it. i took all the stuff i learned throughout making mods and put a lot of effort into this mod, and i think its turned up well

this mod asks the question of what if Jeb Bush and George W. Bush switched places. instead of W. winning his governors race against Ann Richards, he loses and Jeb Bush wins his race against Lawton Chiles. i think this mod does a good job at potraying Jeb Bush during this time, as i learnt more about him my perception on him changed quite a bit. also the second version of this is a more updated version of the mod, with CYOA and new endings which i was glad to have learned how it works. overall 2000Jeb! is a mod im really happy with, and i hope others like it as well